Monday, October 23, 2006

Where is the Umbrella?

As the saying goes, it never just rains, it pours! In my case, the sky has indeed been relieving itself in copious amounts while the dance card is truly log-jammed. Our Festival of Authors is in full swing with more events in the pipeline than you could swing a dick at. Mark Z. Danielewski was here over the weekend, being interviewed by J.S. Foer and promoting his new "road" novel. This week is hopping with Atwood, Mowatt, Janet Fitch and many. many others.

I was hoping to be able to give you the advance poop on Thomas Homer-Dixon's latest book The Upside of Down but I've yet to crack the spine. This follow up to The Ingenuity Gap will be hitting your shelves November 1st and I'll give the heads up to my peeps in Chicago, the T H-D will be hitting your town in the middle of the month. As old Billy Red would say, "dontcha dare miss it".

Now I must go get my beauty rest so I'm at my best for the GWAR concert tonight. Sleep well my friends!


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