Monday, December 15, 2008

Who Am I This Time?

This is an odd little piece in that there is an hour long version which ran on the AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE series and the there is a full ninety minute version floating around in Argentina. I've not seen the long one which is a shame as I imagine it cleans up some of the small problems with the televised one. Jonathan Demme directs Christopher Walken and Susan Sarandon in this quirky piece adapted from a Kurt Vonnegut Jr. short story and sure presents what can only be described as a a work about acting for actors and as such this will only appeal to a select audience. Sarandon is her usual great self but the true display here is Walken in, and this says quite a bit, one of the strangest roles I've ever seen him him.....a lonely hardware store clerk who acts in the local stage club. The romance which blossoms between our two leads comes across poorly in the short version hence why I suspect the longer one flushes the characterization out properly. Well worth a peek for fans of any involved but not for all.


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