Monday, August 20, 2007

Rat Race

Jerry Zucker assembles an all-star comedic cast in this uneven little project. I remember thinking of it as a must see back when the previews were running and then being gravely let down by the final product. On second viewing I feel I may have been too harsh. Taken as straight forward slap stick and gags RAT RACE more than entertain. Rowan Atkinson shines more than others though Jon Lovitz more than earns his share of laughs. Cuba Gooding Jr. has some moments but he looks like he was mailing this one in. Same can be said about Seth Green, Whoopi Goldberg and even John Cleese who all look as if they simply showed up for the money. Strangely enough, the one who gets the most belly busters is the flying cow though the bus load of Lucy's is a close second. Kathy Bates has a wicked scene stealer and look for cameos from Dean Cain, Kyla Wise and Tristin Leffler.


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