Friday, July 13, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

No doubt all of the hot air from the controversy this film has stirred up will contribute it's own fair share to the very global warming Al Gore is trying to fight....nevermind...this is a film everybody should see. I won't bother adding my two cents to the scientific debate here as I find the data to be solid and it truly strikes me as dumb ignorance ofr anybody to argue against the premise our industrialization is causing the planet to warm up.....I'm me this is no brainer but for those of you who are in need of even more hard facts please allow me to suggest you pick up the May/June and July/August 2007 issues of the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER where you will find a two part article to knock you doubting socks off. So, I'll leave the hard science to others and focus on something else this film is about which is Al Gore himself. I found this an extremely compelling representation of a man who may very well have had the United States presidency stolen from him and AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH is a wonderful testament to what a bloodied man can accomplish in the face of adversity when he decides to pull his socks up and soldier on. So if for nothing else this becomes a very important documentary on the human spirit. It's also one hell of an amazing display of what can be done with POWERPOINT....I'm serious...this traveling anti-global warming show looks like something LAURIE ANDERSON would have gone on tour with. I guess what I'm trying to say is this...nevermind the global concerts and the preaching for or against from both political fronts.....see it for yourself. I guarantee your world won't look the same after you do.


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