Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Scream 3

Wes Craven gives us the quirky little film within a film as Sidney and the gang return to get chased around by the Rich Little of slasher films, old Ghost Face himself. Certainly a tired little offering it does manage to garner some laughs and provide a few good jumps. On extreme problem I have with SCREAM 3 is the Chris Tucker wannabe they brought in. Tucker is well annoying enough on his own let alone having somebody swipe his schtick and be damn sure if I was Craven I would have spent a good fifteen minutes killing this characters ass off. Hell, come to think of it, I would have tried to get Chris Tucker himself as I'm sure the guy is able to laugh at himself...and if not...well....something for the audience to enjoy. Look for Roger Corman as well as Craven in studio cameos and if it's really a laugh you're the SCARY MOVIE films instead.


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