Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tashunga (North Star)

I've always been a big fan of Christopher Lambert but shit damn has that guy been in some bad films and TASHUNGA is certainly one of them. How bad? I remember watching this once and my ex walked in while Lambert delivered the line "do I look dead?" to which the ex quipped "no...but you certainly act like it". I'd say this is all you need to know about this one but it isn't. James "yes..I will act in ANYTHING if you pay me" Caan is here as are Burt Young and Catherine McCormack and...well...I guess the reason why is because somebody paid them otherwise I think they would have been inclined to stay home and cut their toenails. TASHUNGA does have a few things going for it however and that would be the visuals. Shot in Norway but supposed to be the Yukon (go bloody figure) there are landscapes to feat on, enough so that if you turn the sound off and put on some relaxing music you might actually enjoy this one.


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