Monday, November 19, 2007

About Schmidt

There is no doubt Alexander Payne is a man of talent, both as a writer and a director, but man do I ever have a problem with his films. I imagine this is because they always manage to find a way to rip my guts out and ABOUT SCMIDT is the worst of them. As we the viewer examine the torutured existence of the recents widowed and retired Warren R. Schmidt we are taken on a journey of utter lonliness and despair and unlike the characters in SIDEWAYS, Schmidt will have no happy ending. Jack Nicholson was given the Oscar nod for best actor and to this day I still don't understand why he didn't take it. Kathy Bates also had an Oscar tip here and rightfully so as she delivers some of her finest work. It's hard for me to recommend a film like this. Yes, the scripting is superb and the acting absolutely stellar but the simple fact remains....ABOUT SCHMIDT is an absolute bummer. If that's what you are in need of then this one will more than fill your plate.


Blogger Batty said...

One of the best endings I've ever seen in a film...however I can't recall it.

2:16 PM  

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