Friday, September 21, 2007

The Crucible

I have no friggin`idea why this Arthur Miller play works so well on the stage and then drags like bloody cooking molasses on the big screen. Everything ``should`` work here as all of the elements are in place, the Academy sure thought it worked as it garnered a couple of Oscar nods but for the life of me this baby puts me right to sleep...not to mention pisses me right the hell off! If I were Daniel Day-Lewis` character I would have thrown Winona Ryder right off of a fucking cliff! Mind you...I think that`s the point of here character and we`ll just leave it at that. In any case, some will enjoy this one and to this day the copy of the play Miller signed for me is one of my prized possessions........on a side was during the filming of THE CRUCIBLE that Day-Lewis met Miller`s daughter who he would later how can I write truly bad things about it.


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