Friday, September 14, 2007


OK, never mind the lesbian sex scenes between Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon...sure...they're hot enough to melt your television set but we don't want to dwell on that. No, I wish to dwell on the fact that if somebody told me the Wachowski brothers would shortly after this become the hottest thing in science fiction film making I would have said you were fucking crazy. They of course would follow BOUND up with THE MATRIX trilogy and I would have been wrong and might have even lost a bet involving a gay love scene with Joe Pantoliano...or something along those lines. You get my point....the other point you have to get is BOUND is one seriously smart action thriller. Top notch writing with superb direction and extremely well acted..especially for Tilly! How she portrays Violet is nothing short of stellar and even though the character comes off as dumb as a sack of hammers Tilly's work here is not to be underestimated. Christopher Meloni also truns in a fine performance and I wish we would see him on the big screen more often. The Wachowski boys would carry a lot of the crew on the THE MATRIX films, even using Pantoliano again, and if for no other reason BOUND is required viewing just to see how they were developing their style.


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