Friday, October 17, 2008

Tomorrow Never Dies

Despite all of the hyper action, the gadgets, stunts, what have you,this Bond offering ultimately left me flat. Jonathan Pryce should have been able to pull off the Ted Turner turned world bad guy character but the script was so poor it just didn't come together which would explain why Anthony Hopkins walked away from the part on supposedly the third day of shooting. Of course, it is entertaining and Pierce Brosnan finally had settled into his role. Michelle Yeoh is also fantastic to watch simply for her stunt work alone but the real eye opener is a small cameo from Gerard Butler who, up to the release of CASINO ROYALE, many felt was destined to be the new Bond...myself included. Of course we now know that Craig ain't goin' nowhere and nor should he but you can't help but wonder what a Butler Bond would have been like. Perhaps we won't have to wonder much longer because if Craig insists on continuing to bash himself up in the follow up to the upcoming QUANTUM OF SOLACE he may not live to make another!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did you think about the new Casino Royale...and yes I did put it in search and all that pulled up was Tomorrow Never Dies..

10:02 AM  

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