Saturday, October 11, 2008

Carlito's Way

For some reason this great character drama from Brian De Palma is for the most part overlooked these days...perhaps because it is lumped in as yet another Al Pacinio gangster related film and this is a shame. CARLITO'S WAY is a sharp look at an ex con trying to go straight and being roped back in, yet again, to a life he wants no part of. While Pacino is in total top form here it is Sean Penn who delivers a show stealing, jaw dropping performance as the crooked lawyer David Kleinfeld, so much so I'm rather surprised he didn't get an Oscar nod for it. John Leguizamo, who we recently saw with Pacino in RIGHTEOUS KILL knocks his role as Benny Blanco right the hell out of old Yankee Stadium and Viggo Mortensen turns in with a nice bit role. However, the strength here rests with Pacino and De Palma and don't be fooled into thinking this is just another SCARFACE, no, this is a whole different kettle of fish and the finale will amaze you. Well worth a first or second look.


Blogger Martimer said...

And years later even a third look.

Loved this movie. The nod to Penn is deserved .. I think Penn was doing his Russell Crowe thing at the time ....

Great movie. In the top of the gendre for sure.

10:46 AM  

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