Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Guardian

Like baseball, Kevin Costner seems to have a thing for "water" films and such is the case with THE GUARDIAN which is not to be confused with THE BODYGUARD. At least here he doesn't have that "bad hair" thing happening and once again plays the rugged old vet who has to smack the rookies into shape. One of those rookies happens to be Ashton Kutcher who also happens to be one of the most annoying twits on the planet which makes him perfect for this role. He also happens to be able to act believe it or not and this is what makes THE GUARDIAN a watchable if all be it destined for TBS film. Some good action and a fair little story make this a fine Sunday morning hang over time waster and expect nothing more from it unless you happen to work for the Coast Guard then you may have a blast knocking the inaccuracies in it.


Blogger Candy Minx said...

I haven't seen this...but I was completely blown away by Costner in Mr. Brooks...he was excellent! I'll check this one out soon...

1:25 PM  

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