Is there really any sense getting into this one.....it's a remake of a Japanese classic and I remember being madder than hell when I walked out of the theatre back in the day. I can't quite recall what it was I so greatly disliked at that time but no doubt it would be along the same lines as the complaints I have today. This is a monster film.....and from this I want Godzilla smashing the shit out of cities and chomping the heads off of many.....and he has to step on a few folks as well...nothing better than a good monster stomp! What I don't want is friggin' subplots and the last thing I want to see is a fucking romantic interest...which I guess is why I don't direct these films because I would have had ol' 'Zilllie using both Maria Pitillo and Matthew Broderick as doggie biscuits! All of this aside I find I enjoy this remake more and more for the action it does deliver. Roland Emmerich knows how to deliver the goods when it comes to mass destruction and if you use the remote to fast forward the sappy shit you get some find knock 'em down and kick their asses mayhem. The scene with the apache copters chasing Godzilla in downtown Manhattan are utterly amazing and the film is worth a rental just for this sequence. Yes, it can appear slightly date even though the film is not yet ten years old but the blocking and pacing are pure genius. Worth a second look if you have nothing better to do and answer me this....do you not feel an odd tinge in your get whenever you see the twin towers in a flick?
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