Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Red Sonja

It was aid Richard Fleischer was sick during the production of RED SONJA, hell, he was almost 70 at the time and for this reason we will forgive him for this smelly stinker.....and is bad. Fleischer directed some true classics such as SOYLENT GREEN, FANTASTIC VOYAGE, 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, THE JAZZ SINGER, ....the list goes it's sad that RED SONJA was one of his last films. It is not without it's charms mind you..that is if the whole sword fantasy thing is your gig. Schwarzenegger is fine for what he was brough ti n for and Brigitte Nielsen in her screen debut is actually more than able to pull her role off and was a damn good choice for the lead. It's interesting to think of how differently the two ended up. Arnie a respected politician and Brigitte a SURREAL LIFE train wreck. The late Paul Smith is a lot of fun to watch here but sadly they had to have one of those annoying kids along for the ride which makes the whole thing even more grating than it should have been. Let's put it this have X amount of hours in your don't need to waste a couple on this one!


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