Flesh Gordon Meets The Cosmic Cheerleaders
No doubt Howie Ziehm and Billy Hunt used to get together for drinks and fun and after a few wobbly-pops too many wax on about how they should have made a sequel to FLESH GORDON. I say no doubt because they are the olnly holdovers from the original and nobody in their sober mind would have bothered to make such a flick let alone release it. Sure, it gave kickboxer Vince Murdocco he start in motion pictures and as bad as it is one probably couldn't regret the experience because there is so much tit in this baby it would make the late Russ Meyer blush. Point is, where the original was bad it was also ambitious and funny to boot.....this one is neither. Die hard fans of camp may enjoy it and those looking for the perv factor will enjoy seeing former Miss Canada Morgan Fox and the great Melissa Mounds but really, you'd be far better off saving your money and reading an old issue of Hustler while watching Star Trek or something.
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