Saturday, March 03, 2007

Last Man Standing

You just know things are going to be fun when you roll in to town and there is a dead horse in the middle of the road and the undertaker is staring at you from his shop window. This is how Walter Hill's LAST MAND STANDING starts out and from there things don't get any better for poor Bruce Willis. Taken from a story by Ryuzo Kikushima and Akira Kurosawa, this film mixes hard boiled crime elements with the wild wild west to give us a hybrid of pure mayhem. With William Sanderson as the local barkeep and Bruce Dern as the Sheriff, two rival gangs reak havok on this ghost town with their festering conflicts. Christopher Walken, Michael Imperioli, David Patrick Kelly and many other weigh in with some right fine nasty performances all of them pretty much having to do with who will "own" the lovely Karina Lombard. All of this with a Ry Cooder score on top make for one mighty fine slobberknocker of a good time!


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