Thursday, March 15, 2007

Asparagus and Global Warming

Here is a little story you are unlikely to find present at one of Al Gore's slideshow presentations on the threat of global warming. While watching the pooch this past weekend I was reminded of an incident which took place a few weeks back. I was having some cream of asparagus soup of which I allowed Mr. Yink to have the remnants which resulted in the poor little guy tooting up a storm for the rest of the night which is really quite funny as everytime he farts he looks around all shocked and bothered as if somebody had grabbed his tail or something. This took me back to a recent night coming back late from a good friends house in which ample amounts of asparagus had been served. So, this is right at the end of the streetcar line and as it's late they are few and far between so I am running for one on the way, make it to the stop after doing the black ice shimmy and well buggering my back up and the prick just wizzes right by me even though he bloody well saw me running to the stop. Well, there I am on a deserted street listening to the streetcar rumble on off in the distance , cursing to myself and mighty pissed when the asparagus does it's trick and I let out this fart that reverberates all over Queen Street East as if I had been in the damn Grand Canyon or something. This, as such stupid bodily functions are ought to do, caused a fit of giggles which resulted in even more asparagus induced flatulance, and I ended up doubled over with gut busting laughter, farting away like a cannon and roaring my fool head off praying no police officer picks me up for public lunacy. It is for this reason I'm of the mind asparagus should be added to the list of global warming responsible agents. The cows have known it for years which is why they won't eat the shit!


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