Saturday, July 26, 2008

Batman Begins

When it was announced Christopher Nolan would direct the new Batman back it 2004 the alarms went off in every home in Geekville. Sure, we all loved MEMENTO but then there was the horrid INSOMNIA so the concern was of a genuine nature. Then came word Christian Bale would don the cape and we all started licking our chops and the rest is history. Nolan was careful to craft a feature which satisfy the old fan boys and still grab the toy money of the kiddies. In truth it was more than likely the adults buys up all the assorted bat guano and I'll own up to having more than a few "action figures" kicking about the place! It was ahard ballancing act to bring the Frank Miller visioned Batman to the screen and not scare the hell out of the rugrats, one scene in particular standing out being when he gives the young kid the batarang as proof he had met him, totally thrown in there to make the bat kid friendly because Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow sure as hell isn't. I don't see the point of writing much more on this one, we all know it breathed much needed life into the franchise and Bale totally rocked the role. Perhaps it borrowed a bit too much from THE SHADOW but we can forgive this as the film kicks ass!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw this movie for the first time the other night. Very cool... I wish I had made more of an effort to see it on the big screen.

12:41 AM  

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