Sunday, January 06, 2008

I Am Legend

Here we are, 2008 and I've somewhat recovered from the damage I did to myself back in my hometown of Halifax over the holidays. It was wonderful to see so many old faces and friends and I thank you all even if my liver doesn't!
Let's start the movie parade for this year with a current flick you can actually catch in the cinema right now should you be so inclined. I AM LEGEND is a remake of a remake based on the short Richard Matheson novel from 1954. For some stupid reason I always think the book was named I AM LEGION from the biblical reference and I really must work harder to correct that in my head. First made as THE LAST MAN ON EARTH in 1964 it was adapted again in 1974 as THE OMEGA MAN. For this 2007 version we stray ever further away from Matheson's original vision and it's a shame as the elements he uses would be of great import here. Still, I'm not going to trash I AM LEGEND until I see the DVD extended or director's cut because this film reeks of having been cut for screening purposes. Will Smith is more than adequate in the lead and at times this version will remind you of an end of the world version of castaway. Filling in for the role of "Wilson" would be the Smith's german shepherd played by the great Abby who for my money is the real star here. It is slow placed, and there a plot holes you could fly a helicopter through but it does have atmosphere and at times will deliver some bonafide creepy shocks.
I caught it on boxing day on the IMAX screen and I would highly suggest you do the same as seeing a deserted downtown New York adds to the desolate feeling Smith's character faces. Not the best you'll see but certainly better than most of the other crap released in 2007.


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