Monday, September 03, 2007

Kurt & Courtney

There is something very wrong with this uneven look at the death of Kurt Cobain and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Perhaps it is the sense the director has an agenda which seems to be taking the piss out of Courtney Love or even worse, simply cashing in on Cobain's tragic end. Either way, this documentary seems to have a mean spirit running through it. While supposedly an objective investigation into the murder conspiracy surrounding Cobain's death it quickly devolves into a full on attack against Love which in my books negates it's purpose. There are some interesting moments here and the footage of cult hero El Duce is worth a look for sure but I still can't get past the fact I kept thinking "why don't you cunts just leave Courtney the fuck alone". If anything, KURT & COURTNEY manages to be yet another cautionary tale of the price for rock & roll stardom.


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