Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Come On Down-Searching for the American Dream

The super of my building threw this DVD me which I found useful as it explained why there was a Cadillac painted like a Canadian flag out in the back parking lot. It belongs to film maker Adamm Liley who set out across America in said car in search of the great American dream and documenting his experiences along the way. This short gained some notoriety for having one of the last interviews with Hunter S. Thompson in it, and rightly so but it should be mentioned there is a hell of a lot more going on here than just that. What we have is an odd look at America through the eyes of one Canadian and what Liley chooses to feature here will be of great interest to viewers both sides of the border. One of the more striking elements is how Canadians view guns and this is a constant theme throughout. I don't wish to give away too much here as it will ruin your experience with this baby so I will keep it short...find the DVD or keep your eyes posted for it on TV though I have no idea who's running it......either way...make sure you don't miss it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, but adam is my cousin so i can't say anything, im biased lol

8:18 AM  

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